Monday, March 28, 2011

White Legion?

The Union Flag?

Oh yeah, I forgot that I am not supposed to answer questions with a question.

"Wild Boys" on the left, and "White Legion" on the right. Done by WFS and ZWL.

A few Legia fans are disgusted with the fact that Legia ultras still pay tribute to the many great groups which hailed, and still hail, Legia in a way which they feel too controversial. Well guess what, Legia has always been, and will always be controversial. Our (L) symbol itself brings about negative feelings in most football fans, and ultras, in Poland, so why not piss off the rest which stand against us? What have we got to lose?

I know that the wolf's hook, which is present in the White Legion flag, or the SS-like 'S' in the Wild Boys flag, may bring about only xenophobic and anti-alien mentality, but come on, just because we listen to an Elvis Presley song, it  does not mean that it will bring us back to the era which it thrived in. Just like hanging up, or referring back to, such flags (as mentioned earlier) will not bring about a sudden massive flow of skinheads or ultra nationalists. If someone will want to do something, he or she will do it. Regardless of the ideology, or the directions gathered from which ever side.

I for one am for the remembrance of such flags which trace back the history of a movement whose roots consist of certain subcultures which managed to find their place in a given community. If the majority feels that such flags should not be presented, then I believe that such flags would not hang. However, they do represent Legia fans - the former, the present, and the ones to come. Provoking is what we do best, and everybody seems to be a victim of such an easy game play.

I mentioned the Union Flag in the beginning, due to the fact that some people view it at as racist*, or 'not with the times'** (I have yet to find articles pertaining to the Union Flag as representing imperialism, but I figure that it is a matter of time... or I did not look thoroughly enough). Does this mean that anybody sporting the Union Flag is a racist? Or that whoever still cherishes such colors is not up to date with what is 'cool' and 'hip'?

Would getting rid of the wolf's hook on the White Legion flag, and replacing it with - let's say - a more profitable symbol (such as the Golden Arches) be a better idea? Hell, you might even be able to hit two birds with one stone. Support your team, and get McDonald's to pay for the advert for every second that the flag is shown on TV... Or perhaps we should toss aside the corporate idea and go for a more cute look by placing the Hello Kitty (nomen omen, the full name being "Kitty White") face between "White" and "Legion"?

The "White Legion" flag against FAK in Vienna.

The only problem is still the SS-like 'S' in the Wild Boys flag... But then again, if Slayer can get away with it (whilst attracting thousands of fans, and selling millions of copies of their albums), then why can't a small group of Legia fanatics?

A sticker replica of the "Wild Boys" flag.

So, to the few who keep voicing their opinion with respect to the afore mentioned flags, keep on doing what you do best, so that others may see that you are the minority in the Legionary ultras community. A minority which will not survive the immortal "Żyleta".

The newest piece of graffiti commemorating 3 legendary Legia flags.  Done by WFS and ZWL.



  1. I disagree with the author. Some ideologies have brought death on millions of people and symbols which represented these ideologies should not be used as they are just a reminder of that cruelty. Period.
    It's like having fun with someone else's pain and the past that should rather warn us from what people can do to other people only because they are different.

    1. I guess we should begin by taking down all the crosses around the world, just in case anybody feels offended by the "cruelty" which this symbol may represent...
